
About Me

My name is Trish and I am a 30 year old mother, daughter, wife, lover, friend, and so much more.
I decided to write this blog as a testimony of my journey here on earth. I am not a person that minces words and often speaks out of turn but I have a heart to see the love of Jesus explode across the world.

The below is a very short version of my testimony and honestly would have to write a book  to give it all (maybe someday I will).

I was 14 years old when I first meet Jesus. I was living in another families house that helped troubled girls. I was laying in bed and overwhelmed with the day I just had. I felt the hand of Jesus on my heart undoing the past, the hurt, the shame. He invited me into a new life that I very much wanted. I said yes and together we began the journey. I would love to say that the moment I said yes to Jesus everything was better. No, in fact it was years of undoing the poison that was lingering my heart. I had many ups and downs and bouts of rejecting His will for my life. Rejecting his love. When I was 16 years old I was committed to a state girls home where I was basically a ward of the state. Its there that Jesus really was able to do some transforming work in my heart. He was able to take the broken girl with all the pain and shame and restore me back to truth and freedom.

When I was a young girl, sex was introduced to me at a very young age. I was 5 years old when I first saw a pornographic image and molested by a couple of girls in our neighborhood. When I was 8 years old I was molested by a 66 year old family friend. By the time I hit my teens sex was just part of who I was. It wasn't something for marriage or something to value. No it was something that was used and abused. It was there in that girls home for a year that Jesus started to define me and restore me back to truth and freedom. It was just a few months before my 17th birthday when they told me I had to leave. That the state determined me "healthy". I was released from my safe haven back into the world so to speak.

After being released I began to work towards my high school diploma and work my first job, oh yes the beloved McDonalds. Yes yes I did! A few months after my release I meet my husband. I started attending this small country church where he and his family attended and we began to date. I was 19 years old when we got married and began the road of a marriage. What I didn't know when I meet my husband was that God called him to be a Pastor. I think God has a sense of humor because there was no way I could be a Pastor's wife! Are you kidding? Well that is what happened and together we started working in the call on my husbands life. What is so funny about all of this is that the short version of my story I gave to you up above, the Lord had me use in our ministry to help people see Jesus. The girl that thought I couldn't be used for God in fact used me and still does often. We served as youth pastors, associate pastors, lead pastors and many different things in between.

Fast forward. We have three beautiful children and are still serving in our local church. We are taking a break from full time ministry and you can read all about that in my post The Day My Earth Shook.
I committed to start writing this blog as a way to keep sharing our journey and leave a legacy here on earth.

Ok that is a very short version of who I am and I look forward to this journey with you!

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