It doesn't fit me is all I could keep thinking about when I received the news that the tumor was growing and I would have to make some pretty big changes in my life. Somewhere deep in me I knew that this just doesn't fit me.
Why God? Why do I need to walk this path? Why something like this? I remember saying to God I have 3 kids who need me! Eugene needs me! While I through this huge pitty party for several months I couldn't accurately or actively hear what came welling out of me when I first heard the news.
It was like a light bulb went off and I heard the Lord say, It Doesn't Fit You! Now start believing that!
What I didn't put together in the very beginning was that the Lord gave me a word that would change my mindset. That would free me from all the questions and doubt. That would help me live my life in the midst of such a circumstance.
It Doesn't Fit Me! I began to walk in that. As I sat in my devotional times I would start all my praying about the situation with the proclamation that this in fact Doesn't Fit Me and I will not conform to it!
I didn't have to succumb to anger or despair but in fact claim that my wholeness and healing was already paid for on the cross! He took what started in the garden and gave us back the power to call things back to order.
Am I 100% healed physically not by sight but I'm believing and I am trusting God to bring it to order.
My circumstance doesn't have to change for the affirmations of God to be true! His word remains the same in every circumstance and trial. Weather I see the healing today or in the future how I trust and how I move forward in my faith is what leaves on mark here on earth. Its what my kids will remember!
Sometimes our healing doesn't come till our journey home and I have chosen to rest in the unknowing of when and LIVE it out here on earth till my day to go home is called.
I believe this takes all power away from our accuser and keeps me wrapped in the power of God's mercy and grace.
It's there true rest remains.
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