
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

MRI Humor

So I am no amateur to having an MRI. I dread them every time and talk myself off the cliff when in the small confined space hoping I don't just freak out and show all my crazy to the technicians.

I just had another MRI this week and I had some interesting things happen in the tube this time. Several times I got small electric shocks through my hands and at points it felt like my face was pulling to one side. I could only imagine what that looked like. I probably would have laughed at myself.
Don't worry I checked into it and sometimes these responses happen and not super critical.

Before I went in for this MRI, I was feeling discouraged. I was having new symptoms and having tough weeks with migraines that wouldn't relent. I honestly was running dry on my hope that anything would be positive about this test result.

When I got the call and they told me the tumor had shrank and I had to ask them to tell me again. It's as if I was so caught up in the nothing is gonna change that I couldn't hear the good news. The one thing I am learning about this battle is hope can't come from myself. I can't muster it but I can cultivate it.

I can meditate on the goodness of God and the promises He gives to His children and it restores my hope. NO matter what trys to steal my joy and hope if I rest in His confidence that He will see me through no matter what the earthly circumstance looks like, I will be renewed in the waiting.

I feel like this entire circumstance has been one long waiting room that sometimes meets with trials that I don't want to fight. The Bible is clear our fight is not against flesh and blood and I can't fight out of my own strength. The minute I do I start to feel drained and hopeless. I was reading a blog of a young mother who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Cancer and how she choose joy over sorrow. I am telling you something changes in the atmosphere when I take away the doubt and choose joy and contend for hope that brings perseverance. I really never understood that as real as I am understanding it now.

God is faithful to bring me to deeper relationship when I hand over all my fears and walk with no sight ahead:)

I appreciate all the prayers and support!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

It Doesn't Fit Me

It doesn't fit me is all I could keep thinking about when I received the news that the tumor was growing and I would have to make some pretty big changes in my life. Somewhere deep in me I knew that this just doesn't fit me.

Why God? Why do I need to walk this path? Why something like this? I remember saying to God I have 3 kids who need me! Eugene needs me! While I through this huge pitty party for several months I couldn't accurately or actively hear what came welling out of me when I first heard the news.

It was like a light bulb went off and I heard the Lord say, It Doesn't Fit You! Now start believing that!
What I didn't put together in the very beginning was that the Lord gave me a word that would change my mindset. That would free me from all the questions and doubt. That would help me live my life in the midst of such a circumstance.

It Doesn't Fit Me! I began to walk in that. As I sat in my devotional times I would start all my praying about the situation with the proclamation that this in fact Doesn't Fit Me and I will not conform to it!
I didn't have to succumb to anger or despair but in fact claim that my wholeness and healing was already paid for on the cross! He took what started in the garden and gave us back the power to call things back to order.

Am I 100% healed physically not by sight but I'm believing and I am trusting God to bring it to order.
My circumstance doesn't have to change for the affirmations of God to be true! His word remains the same in every circumstance and trial. Weather I see the healing today or in the future how I trust and how I move forward in my faith is what leaves on mark here on earth. Its what my kids will remember!
Sometimes our healing doesn't come till our journey home and I have chosen to rest in the unknowing of when and LIVE it out here on earth till my day to go home is called.

I believe this takes all power away from our accuser and keeps me wrapped in the power of God's mercy and grace.

It's there true rest remains.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Beauty in the Brokenness

I have an addiction! I love broken things!

Some of you know that I take old tossed out furniture and restore it to new life and new beginnings.
There is so much beauty in broken tossed out things in our life. We are so quick to just throw something out because our use for it is no longer evident and determine its broken beyond repair.

What is brokenness, you might ask?

The dictionary describes Brokenness as weakened and infirm.

When I think about my life, my body, my heart, my journey with Christ. Brokenness is like a summary of many parts of this life I have walked. I think I have spent so much time being ashamed of the brokenness rather than looking for the beauty in the brokenness.

I think of the woman in the bible with the Alabaster oil, a very expensive perfume that she poured out on Jesus because he was the only one who ever valued her beyond her brokenness. This act of faith was a depiction of her life. She was pouring out her life before Jesus in the midst of all her brokenness. She was not whole and complete faithful and pure and yet Jesus accepted her gift. He accepted her brokenness. In fact He told everyone that she would be remembered forever for her great act.
 (Matthew 26:7-13)

Sometimes what we have to give God is nothing short of broken but He honors the heart, He honors our small acts of obedience, He honors us even in our brokenness. He sees beauty where we see filth.

The day that I said yes to Jesus, He said Yes to me and together we are in this journey where he is not afraid of my brokenness but yet walks with me and restores me back to His perfect image.

As I think of my current circumstance, where my body is not wanting to be whole and complete. In fact is is weakened and infirm but I have a God that takes brokenness and makes beautiful things from it. Just as the woman who poured out her most valued possession on Jesus, I pour out my most valuable possession, my life.

My prayer has been Lord I am a daughter of the King, whole and balminess before you because of your greatest gift you gave; a broken body that bleed for all the brokenness in the world. Take my offering, my life and use it to bring beauty to the brokenness. Use my brokenness as a testimony of your glory. Take my life and make it count for something.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Day My Earth Shook

I remember it really well! I had made an appointment with the doctor to follow up on my chronic issue of Migraines that were worsening with time. The doctor sent me for rounds of test and than called me to an appointment where they told me my life was changing. "You have a brain tumor", the doctor said to me. I stared blankly at the floor trying to process the words. The doctor said again "Mrs. Small, the spot is now a growth and is a
Pituitary Brain Tumor."

My Earth Shook!

See I had been treated for a small spot on my brain back when my third child was born and had a minor stroke. At that time they believed it was just a hormonal issue that was caused from medication and complications of my pregnancy. I was fine for 2 years with no issues and no symptoms. Than the migraines came like a wave. The spot was in fact a tumor and it was growing with rapid force. The type of tumor is hormonal based and hereditary. My grandmother had one and her mother had one. They believe that I have had this since a child but didn't have problems till my body went through so many changes in my child bearing years. A flood of information came at me along with different treatment plans and medications etc etc....

For anyone who knows me, I tend to deal with things right as they come. This issue I choose to hide to stay silent and to carry the burden myself. I didn't want to be labeled "sick"; I didn't want people to freak out. I just really went numb. I was afraid of what this meant as a Christian. Who would be a mother to my kids. My husband would be widowed at such a young age. This circumstance really shook me to the core. I have weathered many storms in my walk with Christ and He has strengthened me through each trial and test but this I just honestly froze in fear. 

I know shocking! A Pastor's Wife an active leader in ministry did what she preached to everyone else not to do. I told God that I didn't trust Him with this circumstance and tried to process all by myself.
See what I have realized in this circumstance, is that I had a major crack in my foundation/my belief system. I believed the lie that I must have done something that caused me to be sick. That God must be taken something out on me. 

I choose to buy into all my insecurities rather than rest on the confidence I can go to the bank with in my identity in Christ. 

Sick or not it doesn't change who God says I am! Sick or not it doesn't change what God does for me! Sick or not it doesn't change the DNA of who God says He is!

So this week I went public with what has been going on. For some of you its not a big deal but for me it was a way to break the silence and repair the cracks in my foundation/my belief system. By telling my story I hope you find inspiration in your circumstances that drives you to a deeper place with God. I know I need that in my life and if my journey can speak into someone else's life I am happy to share!