
Monday, June 9, 2014

Love Anyway

The truth is people hurt people. The damage can be overwhelming, traumatic and unrelenting.
The truth is I have hurt people with my words, behavior, lack of compassion, judgement etc.

What do you do with all that hurt? How do you recover from wounds that are deep that cause scars that your afraid to show to the world? How do you reconcile the hurts inflicted by ourselves?

In the word of God it is summed up really simply. Love God and Love People.

How the heck do you love people is the one I struggle with the most. Especially, when wounds are caused, damage is deep and the accuser of our faith won't relent on keeping you in the barrenness of the wound.

I am sure we all can think of a time when our heart was broken over a hurt that went deep. I can recall many and walked a situation about 7 months ago where I have never seen such ugly hurts before. I walked through that situation thinking, "Ok, I am going to pick up and move on and not let the wounds settle in my spirit and make me angry."

Turns out that I am angry! That the wounds are gapping and my heart is broken over the situation.
I tend to be a person who doesn't give time to feel anything about issues in life. I hear it, I feel the surface of it and than I force way down deep where scars fester and can cause a take over.

I am trying to be different with my hurts. I am trying to expose my feelings so that I can grow from the hurt rather than let it take up residency in my life.

The question I keep coming back to is, How do I Love People? How did Jesus love even when he was betrayed, wounded deeply and accused unjustly. How did Jesus love even the accusers or better yet us sinners.

He loved because He knew WHO His father was and knew who He was in the midst of each situation. He knew the DNA of Love and how to shake the what isn't Love and turn away wrath with gentleness. Speaking love even in the unjust.

Its becoming more and more evident that in the hard stuff of life, the ugly scars, the damage, the unrelenting hurts that if I am connected to Who My Creator says I am and I love out of the grace and power He gives me, love truly can conquer all.

Its not easy, it's almost always hard to let Love Win. I have to be willing to dig into the trenches of my life to work through the scars to really be able to move on in growth and a greater love for others.

In the end….

The bigger truth is my heart belongs to a God. He loves to cover a multitude with His grace and mercy and shower me with the ability to forgive.

Working that truth from my head to my heart, so forgiveness takes over the damage.                        Being transparent enough to say it's s freaking process and not easy. In fact it's very painful and it's ok to be broken in it.

Love Wins if we want it too!

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